Weekend Reading

This weekend we are lining up some fun stops to make on our vacation through Northern California! I’m so excited to spend 5 days in San Francisco {we are for sure going to find the house from  Full House!} and have a 10 day getaway with my husband…SO NEEDED!

Full House

But first, I wanted to take a little break and share some of my favorite posts I found encouraging & challenging this week.

I hope that you all have a refreshing weekend! See you on Monday!

The Research that Proves You Can Change the World by Ann Voskamp {this is why we sponsor a Compassion child & why I need to be better at communicating with our little guy}

One more by Ann Voskamp because this letter needs to be shared A Letter to the North American Church: Because it’s Time

The One You Rush Through by Jessi Connolly {I don’t want to rush through this season of not having children. I want to squeeze all of the blessings out of it.}

Sometimes is Begins with a Whisper by Holley Gerth {I want to be brave enough to say Yes, don’t you?}

And for all my mama friends with little ones, here’s one that will make you smile Surviving Summer by Jen Hatmaker

Monday I will be the guest blogger for Mercy Found Ministries. I hope you’ll join me over there as I share a little of what my heart has gone through when we lost a referral a few months ago.


Encouraging Links to Start Your Week



This morning I’m thinking back on the belated honeymoon that Jason and I went on one year ago today. Our days spent on Rarotonga Island were some of the most refreshing days I’ve had in years. Today I’m longing for a little bit of that refreshment.

I’ve included some of my favorite blog articles that have encouraged me the past few weeks. Enjoy these over an afternoon cup of coffee…

12 Things Your Daughter Needs You to Say  by Emily Freeman at Chatting at the Sky. I don’t have daughters yet, but this was just what I needed to hear for myself.

And another from Emily Freeman…because I’ve fallen in love with her writing One Thing You Daughter Doesn’t Need You to Say

Around the World by Tsh Oxenreider over at Simple Mom. This would be so fun to do…I may put it on our bucket list.

The Life of a Possible Pirate by Melanie Shankle at Big Mama. She makes me literally laugh out loud (and maybe snort). You should check out her new book too. I’m hoping to have a book review on it soon.

It’s Ok to Not be Ok by Arienne at the (in)courage blog.

And if you want a summer reading list…Head over to Modern Mrs. Darcy to subscribe and get a list of hundreds of books you could read this summer!

That’s all for today! I hope that you all enjoy a beautiful Memorial Day and spend some time thanking God for the men and women who defend and protect our country!