Last Week in Pictures

Right now I am sitting on a couch helping a 4 year old play my iPhone games. For the next week, Jason and I have moved into our friends’ house to watch their children while they travel to Ethiopia to meet the new son and have their court date to officially add another kiddo to their brood! My heart is full and excited for them to spend time getting to know him but also sad because I know that they will have to fly back to America without him this time around (Ethiopia’s adoption program has the family fly twice).

With watching 4 busy children this week, I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to write, so who knows how many posts will pop up on here over the next week.

All I have time for today is a little recap of last week & this weekend. It was a full week of dinner with friends, a wedding, and so much more.

IMG_1463I got this book in the mail last week and I think that it will be a perfect read for this ever-increasing season of living in the in-between. I’m really wanting to learn how to wait well and see growth in my character through this season. I’m taking a writing class that Jeff Goins has put together and I have loved learning from him, so I’m excited to read his writing.



My Thirty-One enrollment kit came in the mail! I’ve already booked three parties for the month of August and am hopefully well on to my first goal as a consultant. I wasn’t sure how I would really like doing this, but I’ve found that it’s been fun. It helps when people love Thirty-One bags already and want to host parties! If you’re interested in hosting, just shoot me an email.


 I love the purse that came with the kit, it was super handy for this…



Some friends from church were married on Friday night. I love weddings, especially as a married woman now because it reminds me of the fun and joy of our wedding day (and I’m thankful that I won’t have to go through a crazy season like that again!).


Saturday was major project day in the Wood household! I spent the day painting our third bedroom with a friend while Jason cooked all of our meals for the week (yes, Jason makes all of our meals…that’s a post for another day!) We decided to paint the walls white for a more clean and simple looks so that I could accent any color. And I’m so glad that we did it! We will be painting the girls’ room white as well. We got our paint at Home Depot and it’s called Falling Snow from Behr.


The morning sun coming through the window gives the room such a soft, quiet feel. I’m going to love having this place as my writing office!

Well, that’s how our week looked in pictures! One of the boys is currently doing single-armed push ups…he wants to grow up to be strong like his daddy! I think a day of riding bikes and playing in the backyard is in order!

Have a great week!